
Renewable energy electricity price subsidies

In addition to the sum of indemnificatory acquisition system, renewable energy electricity price subsidies has become a hot topic for the group review.
At present, photovoltaic pipe fitting 45 degree LR elbows power generation USES the unified national feed-in tariff benchmarking. Law enforcement inspection group of the NPC standing committee in the local investigation and research, a place to reflect, across different illumination conditions, a greater difference between the return on investment, "one size fits all" policy is bad for the price of photovoltaic power generation large-scale application.

At the same time, also have reflect carbon steel seamless eccentric reducer enterprise, fixed number of year of the photovoltaic power station a feed-in tariff, distributed photovoltaic spontaneous for personal use, part of the electricity price subsidies policy has not decided the offshore wind power feed-in tariff has been introduced, the difficult to accounting return on investment.
Is the counterpart of the government promised to bolster renewable energy industry development of subsidies, is often difficult to implement, additional electricity and subsidy mechanism to be perfect.

The standing committee of the National ansi b16.5 class 150 weld neck flange People's Congress law enforcement inspection group in the price subsidy of problems in the research of mainly includes the following aspects:

First of all, additional standard is in accordance with the existing tariff and levy rates, the funds raised (= which cannot meet the needs of the subsidies. Secondly, subsidies for examination and approval links, complicated procedure, cycle is long, overdue seriously affect the investment efficiency; Third, the existing subsidy is focused on power generation link, subsidies for transmission, auxiliary service does not reach the designated position, affected the enthusiasm of the construction of the power grid enterprise; Finally, the use of renewable energy fund lack of overall coordination, and funding arrangements and planning a lack of effective connection.

Earlier, in order to encourage renewable energy, the regulations of the state, a series of preferential tax policies, such as financial subsidies to the VAT is not to the central. But, during the implementation of the policy in place there are clearly "deformation".

"In some places will still be additional funds as electricity grid enterprise income, VAT. Countries made the policy of small hydropower 6% VAT, but in some places of the actual tax rate as high as 16.8%." The report disclosed.

And pipelines of value-added tax reform, enthusiasm for the local development of renewable energy industry also has a certain influence. "Allow the deductible VAT on purchase of fixed assets, which leads to the local government in the long term cannot gain tax revenue from wind power, photovoltaic power generation project, the development advantage resource advantage into a hard place." The report said.

